Restructuring And Reorganising Your Business

There are lots of reasons why you may need to restructure and reorganise your business.  It could be that the regulatory or economic climate has changed or that you wish to take the business in a different direction to exploit an opportunity that has come to you. Whatever the reason, there may be tough decisions to be made and many legal hurdles to overcome.

We can assist you with changes that will affect your business and help you move forward with such things as:

  • Changing your corporate structures – working closely with your accountant and other advisors
  • Strategic alliance agreements or joint ventures
  • Researching new laws (or existing ones)
  • Moving assets and liabilities around a group structure
  • Adjusting shareholdings and the rules governing how your business is run and how it interacts with the outside world. 

Whether you have advisors helping you already or you are taking the first steps towards changing the way you do or think about your business, feel free to give us a call to see if we can help.