Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances

So you have a great idea for a business, but maybe not the finance or the expertise to make it happen on your own.  What you may need is to create a joint venture or a strategic alliance.

Agreements of this nature arise in every area of business from the very small to the multi-national.  Typically, they exist between businesses in the same sector (but at different levels of production) to create a ‘turn-key’ solution for their common customers.  Alternatively, they can be used by similar businesses in different territories.

Co-operation is always a key component in these relationships, but so is a clear understanding of the roles each of the parties plays and what pitfalls exist in relation to such agreements (for example, you may actually be contemplating an illegal cartel or price fixing arrangement – better to find out by taking some advice before you do).

Blue Sky Law will work carefully with your accountants and other advisors to help you find the right structure and solution for you.